Home Office System, 2019
Il tavolo Alma, la credenza Madia, il comodino e la cassettiera Degradé, insieme alla lampada da tavolo SAT sono stati originariamente concepiti per arredare stanze e uffici. Attraverso questo modulo è possibile coniugare la necessità di riportare l’ufficio nell’ambiente domestico a un’eleganza che si ispira agli studi professionali presenti nelle case più prestigiose di un tempo.
Alma table, Madia Cupboard, Degradé nightstand and Degradé drawer, together with SAT reading lamp, were originally designed to decorate rooms and offices. Through these pieces of furniture, it is finally possible to bring the office into domestic space with an elegant solution inspired by the studios of the most prestigious ancient houses.
Alma table, Madia Cupboard, Degradé nightstand and Degradé drawer, together with SAT reading lamp, were originally designed to decorate rooms and offices. Through these pieces of furniture, it is finally possible to bring the office into domestic space with an elegant solution inspired by the studios of the most prestigious ancient houses.