Voyager Disk, 2019
Nella sua forma iconica, semplice e potente, Voyager Disk fonde atmosfere primitive a forme avveniristiche, restituendo una mirabile sintesi del segno contemporaneo. Può essere realizzata nelle varianti in marmo Grand Antique, Rosso Levanto e Portoro. Fonte luminosa a Led.
Dimensioni: L. 19,4 x W. 4 x H. 15,9 cm
In its iconic figure, simple and strong, Voyager Disk combines a primordial atmosphere with futuristic elements, giving an incredible example of what a contemporary sign is. It can also be made of Grand Antique, Rosso Levanto and Portoro marble. LED lighting source.
Dimensions: L. 7.6″ x W. 1.6″ H. 6.3″
Dimensioni: L. 19,4 x W. 4 x H. 15,9 cm
In its iconic figure, simple and strong, Voyager Disk combines a primordial atmosphere with futuristic elements, giving an incredible example of what a contemporary sign is. It can also be made of Grand Antique, Rosso Levanto and Portoro marble. LED lighting source.
Dimensions: L. 7.6″ x W. 1.6″ H. 6.3″