Vulcano, 2019
La struttura di questa lampada è ispirata alle forme e ai colori dei vulcani, da cui prende il nome. Rievoca con forza la magia dei vulcani di Stromboli e Vulcano, ancora attivi nelle isole Eolie: nella forma chiara e nei materiali, ma anche e soprattutto attraverso l’uso della luce, che gioca e si rifrange attraverso il vetro. Dalla base in ferro verniciato nero opaco sorge un luminoso cappello in vetro diamantino che illumina l’ambiente come un’improvvisa eruzione. Base e dettagli in ottone, rivestimento interno in foglia d’oro.
Dimensioni: Ø 16 x H. 25 cm
This lamp is inspired by the colours and forms of the volcanoes, which give it its name. This striking lighting accessory evokes the magic of volcanoes, particularly the ones still active in the Aeolian Islands, through its clean shape and materials but above all through the play of light refracting through the glass. From the base made of matte black painted iron rises a luminous bright hat made of glass that lights up the room like a sudden eruption. Base and details in brass, gold-leaf inner lining.
Dimensions: Ø 6.3″ x H. 9.8″
Dimensioni: Ø 16 x H. 25 cm
This lamp is inspired by the colours and forms of the volcanoes, which give it its name. This striking lighting accessory evokes the magic of volcanoes, particularly the ones still active in the Aeolian Islands, through its clean shape and materials but above all through the play of light refracting through the glass. From the base made of matte black painted iron rises a luminous bright hat made of glass that lights up the room like a sudden eruption. Base and details in brass, gold-leaf inner lining.
Dimensions: Ø 6.3″ x H. 9.8″