50MQ, 2014
Un appartamento-matrioska. Perché…. Si, c’é un elefante in cucina! Questo é il luogo piccolo e fiabesco che Pietro Russo ha creato con le proprie mani per divertire e coccolare gli ospiti. Lo spazio viene dilatato con astuzia attraverso l’uso di elementi bassi orizzontali o a tutta altezza. La casa diventa una narrazione: come un organismo, sotto pelle nasconde un carillon lasciando fuori solo la chiavetta da girare per udire la melodia utilizzando le pareti come cassa armonica mentre nell’altra stanza con lo stesso principio casse acustiche invisibili o occultando messaggi destinati al futuro direttamente sotto l’intonaco. In cucina, come mensole, conficca nello stucco antiche racchette da tennis, ma proprio li accanto la vera sorpresa: l’elefante. Disegno roseo, ludico, materno, ottenuto scrostando mezzo secolo di stratificazione tra pittura e decori. Catturati dalla caccia al tesoro di dettagli surreali, non perdiamo di vista l’ambiente: due stanze che ospitano la zona living/notte e la zona pranzo, dove l’architetto costruisce concretamente, con un fabbro, la cucina, crea e decora un armadio, sistema un suo tavolo prototipo. Sparpaglia ovunque poesia e memorie.
A matryoshka like apartment. Because…. Well, there is an elephant in the kitchen! This is the small and fairytale place that Pietro Russo created with his own hands to entertain and pamper guests. The space is dilated with cunning through the use of low horizontal or full-height elements. The house becomes a narration: like an organism, under the skin it hides a music box leaving out only the key to turn and hear the melody using the walls as a sound box while in the other room with the same principle invisible loudspeakers or hiding messages destined for the future. directly under a layer of plaster. In the kitchen, like shelves, antique tennis rackets hangs directly into the stucco, but right next to them the real surprise: the elephant. A rosy, playful, maternal design, obtained by peeling off half a century of layering between painting and decorations. Captured by the treasure hunt for surreal details, we do not lose sight of the environment: two rooms that host the living / sleeping area and the dining area, where the architect concretely builds, with a blacksmith, the kitchen, creates and decorates a wardrobe , sets up his prototype table. He scatters poetry and memories everywhere.
Photo credit @Filippo Bamberghi
A matryoshka like apartment. Because…. Well, there is an elephant in the kitchen! This is the small and fairytale place that Pietro Russo created with his own hands to entertain and pamper guests. The space is dilated with cunning through the use of low horizontal or full-height elements. The house becomes a narration: like an organism, under the skin it hides a music box leaving out only the key to turn and hear the melody using the walls as a sound box while in the other room with the same principle invisible loudspeakers or hiding messages destined for the future. directly under a layer of plaster. In the kitchen, like shelves, antique tennis rackets hangs directly into the stucco, but right next to them the real surprise: the elephant. A rosy, playful, maternal design, obtained by peeling off half a century of layering between painting and decorations. Captured by the treasure hunt for surreal details, we do not lose sight of the environment: two rooms that host the living / sleeping area and the dining area, where the architect concretely builds, with a blacksmith, the kitchen, creates and decorates a wardrobe , sets up his prototype table. He scatters poetry and memories everywhere.
Photo credit @Filippo Bamberghi